Home Posts Tagged "terrorism"
The New Barbarians: Training Children To Kill
An Arab reporter asks 5 yr. old Muslim Boy, “Do you want to be a martyr?” 5 yr. old replies, “Yes”. Reporter...
Caryl Matrisciana
ISLAM RISING A Call to One World Ummah
WINNER OF ICVM’S 2009 BRONZE AWARD “Islam Rising is one of the most succinct and well-argued presentations of the threat...
Caryl Matrisciana
Sudan: the Hidden Holocaust
This moving documentary, based on the book Faith Under Fire, provides viewers a look at Africa’s forgotten war — the lon...
Patrick Matrisciana
Peter Hammond
Unholy War: Genocide in Sudan
Africa’s forgotten war, the longest war of the 20th century, is still going strong in the 21st. Since 1955, the Muslim control...
Patrick Matrisciana
Peter Hammond