The Pagan Invasion series has exciting footage from around the world, capturing on tape real druid ceremonies shot in Stonehenge and many other bizarre and surreal rituals. With topics on Mormonism, Witchcraft, paganism, cults, the occult, satanism, Halloween, yoga, meditation, channeling, freemasonry and others.
Explosive series with over 280 minutes of exclusive footage!
Included Titles:
- Dawning of the New Age
- Doorways to Satan
- East Seduces The West
- Evolution: From Physics to Metaphysics
- Evolution: Hoax of the Century
- Halloween Trick or Treat
- Invasion of the Godmen
- Joseph Smith’s Temple of Doom
- Latter-day Empire
- Meditation: Pathway to Deception
- Preview of the Antichrist
- Religion Vs. Christianity
- Secrets of Mind Control
Copyright 2009