
Messianic Jews Why Should I Care? DVD

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Product Description

“A documentary of what God is doing among, and through the Messianic believers in Israel.”

This documentary filmed almost exclusively in Israel captures the movement of the Holy Spirit through Jewish believers in the Holy Land. Interviews from this DVD include the following quotes by these well-known and respected theologians:

“God told Abraham that He would bless them that bless you, and curse them that curse you. This is an Abrahamic eternal covenant.”

– Dr. Tim LaHaye

“God will once again turn His attention to, and deal with the planet earth through Israel.”

– Dr. Chuck Missler

“God has chosen to put His name and presence in Israel forever.”

– Dr. David Hocking

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” Ps. 122:6 Fact Bible prophecy was fulfilled in 1948 when Israel became a state, the result of God bringing the Jews back to their own land. Blindness in part has happened to the Jews, (Rom. 11:25) until a certain time. There are exceptions, however, some 10,000 to 15,000 Messianic Jews in Israel. The Moving of the Holy Spirit among Messianic Jews in Israel is worthy of our support. Purpose To answer the question, “Why should I care about Messianic Jews”? To inform Christians of the many ways they can bless Israel. (God will bless those who bless, and curse those who curse) Gen. 12:3 To enlighten American Christians as to the work, the dreams, the vision, the dedication, Messianic Jews in Israel have for their people, as well as Arabs in that region.

To emphasize that “Replacement Theology” is not scriptural –note Paul in Romans. (Replacement Theology is one reason for some Christians’ lack of support of Israel) Comments from Israeli Messianic pastors regarding: The spirit of unity that exists between the fellowships. The mission, mandate, call, and vision God has laid on each pastor’s heart. How they came to Faith in Yeshua (Jesus). Messianic fellowship growth — short term — long term Interaction between Jewish and Arab believers. Support the Messianic movement in Israel: Pray. Become familiar with what they’re doing. Tell other Christians about them. Visit Messianic fellowships when in Israel. Invite Christian churches to adopt individual Messianic fellowships. Conclusion Jesus was a Jew. His disciples were Messianic Jews. Christians are Messianic believers. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We need each other’s support!


Release Date: 10/1/2009

Reviewer: Edwin Carpenter

An in-depth look into the Messianic Revival taking place in Israel regarding Salvation in the Messiah Yeshua Ha Maschiach Jesus Christ, the importance to Jewish and Gentile believers, and the testimony as to what this means to Israelis. Messianic Media and Broadcasting is honored to present “Messianic Jews: Why Should I Care?” for your review. This new sixty-four minute documentary was filmed almost exclusively in Israel and captures the movement of the Holy Spirit among Jewish believers in the Holy Land. When we talk about Jewish people worshiping Yeshua as The Messiah, this is nothing less than the gospel of peace. Dove Worldview: This is an in-depth look at Messianic Jews, those who believe in Christ as the messiah. The DVD includes beautiful scenes of the Holy Land and features personal testimonies from several people. It is spearheaded by Dr. David Hocking of Hope For Today Ministries. Included in the various topics are the history of Messianic Jews, how they came to their faith, and prophecy. A dance ministry team also does some interpretive dancing. This is an educational tool that many will enjoy and could be used as a teaching tool in church.

We gladly award the DVD our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.

Sex: None
Language: None
Violence: None
Drugs: None
Nudity: None
Other: References to Christ as the Jewish messiah.


Beginning June 1, 2010, the message that Yeshua (Jesus) is Messiah among Jewish believers in Israel will get louder in the U.S. as one of Northern America’s largest Christian Satellite television companies airs Messianic Jews: Why Should I Care? to millions of potential households. With more than 15,000 Jewish believers in Israel right now, the world is waking up to the fact that there is a revival going on in the Holy Land. Christians in this country and worldwide are also growing in support of the Jewish State. This fifty seven minute documentary by Messianic Media and Broadcasting was filmed almost exclusively in Israel and features well known and respected theologians such as Dr. s Tim La Haye, David Hocking, and Chuck Missler. Artists such as Sharon Wilbur, Jonathan Settel, Maurice Sklar, Rene Bloch, and Michele Arnow freely gave their music for this production. Jeremiah Films is the producer.

We are honored that the TCT Television Network decided to communicate the message that Israel has a very important role to play in the end times through its Messiah Yeshua (Jesus),” said Ronald B. Arnow. Executive director Dudley Goff hopes the documentary will reach both Jews and Gentiles. From its humble beginnings, God’s Hand has blessed this important work. Messianic Jews: Why Should I Care? has been reviewed around the world and approved by Dove Movies as a family favorite. The documentary is carried by Calvary Chapel and
