Home Archive by Category "Documentaries"
Spoiler – How a 3rd Political Party Could Win
From the director of FIAT EMPIRE — SPOiLER explores the political, economic and philosophic ethos of the past 98 years for clu...
James Jaeger
SUPERNATURAL POWERS The Battle Between Good And Evil
To seek spiritual comfort in a world awry with emotional crisis and global terrorism is understandable, but is all spiritual help th...
Caryl Matrisciana
Sudan: the Hidden Holocaust
This moving documentary, based on the book Faith Under Fire, provides viewers a look at Africa’s forgotten war — the lon...
Patrick Matrisciana
Peter Hammond
Secret World Of Mormonism
The Mormon Church, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is one of the fastest growing religions in America...
Patrick Matrisciana
Ed Decker