The New Face of Mystical Spirituality – The Emerging Church & Interspirituality


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Though some think the emerging church movement is a passing fad that consists primarily of dissatisfied, unfulfilled young people, it is actually a rapidly growing “new Christianity” that continues to build momentum.

In this talk, Ray Yungen unmasks the spirituality behind this movement—its roots and its teachings. He explains the role that various popular figures have played in bringing about a spirituality that has direct ties to the New Age movement.

It is essential that every believer know what the emerging church is all about and how this “new spirituality” is replacing the biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ with a mystical universalistic gospel that undermines the Cross and the foundations of true Christianity.

Author Bio: Ray Yungen, author, speaker and research analyst has studied religious movements for the last twenty years. He is the author of A Time of Departing and For Many Shall Come In My Name. He is available for radio and television interviews and for seminars, conferences and college assemblies. His exuberance for life and his love for Jesus Christ and for people are evident in his writing. His website is

35 minutes—DVD