Israel: A Nation Is Born
Witness the rebirth of Israel as a nation. Five Part Historic Documentary. Watch modern-day prophecy fulfilled! This visual anthology chronicles Israel’s struggle for birth, survival, and independence: from the 1917 signing of the Balfour Agreement to the Arab/Israeli peace talks of 1992. An educational treasure of rare archival footage. The world waited nearly 3,000 years for this event. Five Part Historic Documentary series.
Presented by former Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban – It chronicles his recollections of, and his part in, the creation of the state of Israel. The series tells the story of the extablishmnet of the State of Israel in 1948; the subsequent conflicts, including the 1967 Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War; the Eqyptian-Israeli peace treeaty; and the events of the last decade.
- Portrays the rise of Zionism and President Truman’s mounting pressure for a Jewish State.
- Includes the proclamation of Israeli Statehood on May 14, 1948 and follows the invasion of the newborn State by its Arab neighbors, and the development of the State of Israel in the early 1950’s.
- Abba Eban explains how Israel ended its isolation, culmination in the combined Anglo-French-Israeli Sinai Campaign of 1956 and his personal involvement in bringing Adolf Eichmann to trial in Israel.
- Starts with events surrounding the Six Day War of 1967. Eban leads diplomatic efforts at the Unitied Nations resulting in resoluion 242.
- Opens with the 1973 surprise attack by Egypt and Syria also known as the Yom Kippur War. Abba Eban descripts his personal communications with King Hussein and other Arab leaders and outlines the beginning of a new peace process through the Madrid Conference and beyond.
Abba Eban grew up in England. He moved to Palestine during the Second World War and was involved in the creation of the State of Israel. In 1948 he was appointed Israel’s representative to the United Nations, and from 1950 was also Ambassador to the United States. He was elected a Labor member of the Knesset in 1959. In 1960 he became Israel’s Minister of Education and Culture and in 1963 Deputy Prime Minister. He was Foreign Minister from 1966-1974. He has written numerous books.