Home Archive by Category "FREE"
NO OPT-OUT ALLOWED: The California Sex Ed Indoctrination
Undercover footage of radical LGBTQ groups in public schools, they intend to teach your children, and have already passed into law...
Joshua Matrisciana
Transhumanism: Recreating Humanity
Since before the Pharaohs, man has tried to become like gods. Transhumanism has taken this idea to the next step, with the pursuit o...
Joshua Matrisciana
Halloween: Trick or Treat
Traces the pagan origins and history of Halloween. The Pagan Occult calendar of Druids, Witches, Pagans and Satanists marks Hallowee...
Caryl Matrisciana
Secret World Of Mormonism
The Mormon Church, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is one of the fastest growing religions in America...
Patrick Matrisciana
Ed Decker
Let My Children Go
American Schools are the best funded in the world yet out of 41 nations, American students consistently rank near, or at the bottom...
Temple of the God Makers
This explosive DVD documentary shows bizarre LDS temple rituals and shatters the facade that hides contradictory Mormon teachings. A...
Patrick Matrisciana
Ed Decker
Messianic Jews Why Should I Care?
“A documentary of what God is doing among, and through the Messianic believers in Israel.” This documentary filmed almos...
Dudley Goff
Riptide is a full length DVD documentary that examines the history, impact, and future of the Jesus Movement that began on the...
Pop Culture Paganism
BUY DVD The world we live in is changing. Entertainment is evolving and so is the society we live in. Our taste in movies and TV sho...
Patrick Matrisciana